Power Project
Our mission is to provide girls from undeserved communities between the ages of 9 to 11, the opportunity to grow using mentorship to build self-esteem, positive life imagery, with the belief system that they CAN accomplish any goal they set and work hard to achieve.
Our program will use the non-traditional sport of ice hockey teamed up with the dedication of strong role models and mentors from our community. These mentors will guide and support these girls into future leaders who will become dynamic and powerful women.


Hawthorne Futsal
One of our most successful community programs is the police-youth soccer games that are held every Thursday. HPD officers and civilian employees create a "safe space" for positive interaction. Officers team up with teenagers that come to the park to play. The results have been fantastic for the teens, as well as for the officers. The program now draws between 40-50 teens every Thursday and has helped to establish communication, trust, and friendship with a group of teens that had not previously interacted with HPD officers. Through the relationships built with the teens as a result of the trust built on the soccer pitch, several of the youth now want to become police explorers with HPD.


Hawthorne Force
Created by the Community Affairs unit of Hawthorne PD, to bring an opportunity for youth ice hockey to the kids of Hawthorne, CA.
The Hawthorne Force Hockey program is made possible via an equipment grant from the NHL Players Assc. Goal's and Dreams program as well as some initial community donations. The team is coached by HPD Officers and community members volunteering they're time.
No child is turned away for being unable to pay. The children and parents adhere to a code of conduct on and off the ice that induces honesty and sportsmanship. The program will rely entirely on donations and is a 501c3 nonprofit via the Project Oppurtunity charity run by Hawthorne Police Community Affairs and City Employees.